
The best laid plans of mice and men, gang aft agley

You know... I started this blog with tons of ideas and energy. I was going to do decorating, and crafting and sewing and gardening and cooking and blah, blah, blah... Obviously, that did not happen. I haven't touched a craft project in over two months. My cooking can barely be called that, the garden still isn't prepped, nothing has been planted and it's May next week. Don't even think about the state of my house. The best I can report on that end is that I bought a new vaccuum cleaner. In my defense, I did get a new foster child and finished part of my National Boards entry (due in April). I also filed my taxes. whoo-hoo.

I'm a great planner, but a poor executor. And I don't want to be that. As I type that, however, I wonder if I can even change. I'm nearly officially middle aged and as we've all be taught, old dogs cannot learn new tricks. Or can they? Seriously, I dunno any more.

I need to get on an active track. I did actually do a lot more at one time. I was almost organized. Maybe if I takle it one step at a time, I can get back on track. So this week, my goal is keep up with the house. Dishes, vaccuuming, the millions of tons of laundry. Possibly decluttering to help keep it in order, but really, I need to focus on finding a routine and stick to it!

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Home, Happiness
and the little things in between.